Making Go telemetry opt-in is a mistake

EDIT: Hi hacker news! A lot of this article is written under the premise of “if this thing that I am not sure about has to exist, opt-out is the best way to get actionable data”. Thank you.
On Feburary 8, 2023, Russ Cox (the technical lead for the Go programming language, aka rsc) published a series of posts about Transparent Telemetry for Open-Source Projects. This outlined a process and methodology for the Go team to figure out what people using Go actually do with the language in a way that:
- Does not collect private information (usernames, source code, package names).
- Allows them to figure out what people do with Go in the wild without having to ask them (this is more representative of how people actually use the tool rather than what they will claim when asked).
- Easily lets anyone investigate what data is being collected.
- Is easy to opt-out of at a user and OS package distributor level.
And, most importantly:
- Allows researchers access to the data that is collected on a daily basis so they can do whatever analysis they want.
In terms of how these systems are usually implemented, this is a breath of fresh air and gives people a lot of transparency that is unparallelled to how this is usually implemented in the industry at large.
Unfortunately, the proposal came from a Google employee. Google has a reputation of taking user data and feeding it into piles of linear algebra in order to skew its search results to match your existing biases or whatever the hell else people do with linear algebra. The internet was not amused by this proposal. A shitstorm unlike any other seen in recent memory ensued. The backlash was immense, with many making empty threats to switch to Rust or something over the entire situation.
At some point, the backlash got to be too severe and rsc announced things were going opt-in on Feburary 24, 2023. I think that this is a mistake and will make the data collected by this telemetry system functionally useless. This will end up having the effect that it is a waste of time for them to implement this system at all, which will make the situation worse off for everyone involved.
My biases
Before I come across as being some kind of paid Google shill, I want to start out by stating what I believe my biases actually are going into this:
- I have not ever worked for Google, nor do I plan to. The company is too big for me to want to work there.
- I use Go professionally and work for a company that uses Go in some fashion. This should go without saying, but anything I say in this blog is not representative of my employer, it is my own creation and this article was not approved by anyone at the company that feeds my crippling addiction to food and housing.
- I am a woman, that may have any number of biases in how I communicate.
The problem of scrying into the unknowable
Now with that out of the way, let’s cover the core problem that telemetry approaches try to solve: How do people use a tool? What features do they use? How often does the tool work? How often does it fail? What chronic issues are we missing?
One of the most basic approaches to this is to just ask people how they use a tool and collect responses. This works to a point, but it does not scale very well.
It’s a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.
- Dr. House
People lie. People misremember. People construe their use of the tool with an NDA’d project to itself be NDA’d. The “just ask people lol” approach works at a very small scale, but not when that tool is used to literally help fighter jets function.
At some level, when a tool gets widespread industry adoption, a lot of the ways that tool is used will never be talked about publicly. For every kilobyte of Go code available on GitHub, GitLab, and other Git forges, there are unknowable megabytes of private Go code that will never see the light of day (or maybe they will if LAPSUS$ decides to make that company a target). As a result:
- You will never know how the industry actually uses tools that are widely adopted by asking them.
- You will never know what features of tools are used by the industry by asking them.
- You will only find out what things fail if the user both thinks there is a problem and takes the effort/expends social risk to file a bug.
- You have to acceps that chronic issues fade into the ether of “oh that’s just how it is” without anyone taking the time to question them.
At some level, the only way to get answers to these kinds of questions is to have the tool report data about how a tool is used to the maintainers of that tool. This is a common practice in the industry, I believe that this approach was first spearheaded by Microsoft when they added error reporting to Windows XP. That worked by showing a dialog box when a program crashed to submit details about that crash to Microsoft. The user had to say “yeah sure, send in the report”, and then it beamed it over to Redmond where they did…something with it.
This kind of data collection has expanded across the industry to the point where modern Windows installation dialog boxes offer orwellian choices like:
Can I do thing?
[A little bit] [A lot]
With no real option for “no, fuck no, not at all, go away”. This leads to backlash for taking this approach. This is super understandable. This kind of pattern matching is something that is baked into mammals deeply, because at some point some common ancestor invented trauma (and we are all fucked over because of that).
With all this in mind, the only way to really know how someone uses a tool is to have the tool snitch on them. If they make the tool report its usage back to the home base, it raises questions about consent and the ethics of collecting data from someone that doesn’t know what that data is or what it will be used for.
There is a rock and a hard place and reality is just slamming the Go team between both of them constantly.
How “transparent telemetry” works
The transparent telemetry proposal is worth a read and when I’m writing this, I’m assuming that you actually read the proposal before reading this article. This is likely a mistake, so here’s a tl;dr of the proposal:
- Most telemetry approaches stream realtime userdata to analytics tools so that data analysts can do something with them. This approach instead focuses on having the Go tool occasionally query the Go module proxy for a configuration file that you can inspect and then uses that configuration file to collect information about future uses of the Go compiler. The Go tool will then report this information some time in the future instead of constantly like other ecosystems.
- Most telemetry approaches start recording instantly and can only stop when the user says “no, thank you”. This lets data analysts think they can understand the opt-out rate for telemetry (though, even without telemetry there are still a few ways that people can figure out what users are doing, they are just very annoying and again not representative of how people actually use the tool). The Go approach waits one week before even trying to activate the telemetry code, under the assumption that that is enough time to opt out.
- The collected data goes through many efforts to avoid including personally identifiable information, but apparently IP addresses are personally identifiable information and in order for data to be transmitted over the internet, an IP address is required as the source. This is unavoidable because this is HOW THE INTERNET WORKS.
- The collected telemetry data is put up to the public for anyone to analyze to their heart’s content. Most approaches take all this data, call it a secret and then hide it in S3 somewhere where random members of the public can’t see. It is difficult to overstate how amazingly different it is to see someone propose a system where they don’t hide away the data from the public.
One of the key examples given for why this system was considered is an incident where the Go standard library mysteriously had a C dependency on macOS (for context: Go programs depending on the standard library alone should not require a C compiler):
For example, during the Go 1.14 release process in early 2020 we made a change to the way macOS Go distributions are built, as part of keeping them acceptable to Apple’s signing tools. Unfortunately, the way we made the change also made all the pre-compiled
files shipped in the distribution appear stale to builds. The effect was that the go command rebuilt and cached the standard library on first run, which meant that compiling any program using package net (which uses cgo) required Xcode to be installed. So Go 1.14 and later unintentionally required Xcode to compile even trivial demo Go programs like a basic HTTP server.
Developers using macOS are used to just installing Xcode to make the error messages go away, so they just installed Xcode and assumed it was normal behavior of the Go compiler to need you to install compiler tools in order to compile programs.
Not to mention people relying on older hardware! Every so often a Go compiler backend/port gets proposed for removal and that removal shows up in release notes for release candidates. Then someone pipes up saying “hi, yes we use this please don’t do that” and then the Go team backs off and the old disused port lingers around for another release cycle.
Without knowing what ports of Go are used, the Go team can’t make sure
that the right time is spent on maintaining those ports. They need to
know what is being used in order to know what is being used. Just
asking people what targets they compile Go to doesn’t mean that the
people using weird targets like GOARM=5
or -buildmode=shared
say that that is what they use. Telemetry is the only real way to get
this data. Transparent telemetry makes it transparent to all parties.
This is overall a fantastic system that would allow any other projects to copy from and also have their own transparent telemetry approaches. If I was working on a project that would need telemetry, I would consider this approach because it is exactly what I would want to do. You collect only the data you need, none of the data you don’t, and you don’t hoard it all away from the public.
The nerfening of transparent telemetry
Sadly, I don’t think that this will be a new industry standard. The backlash to this approache was immediate and immense. It was not seen as “The Go team wants to make the Go compiler better” like they had hoped. It was seen as “Google wants to slurp up more information, this time about a compiler you’re forced to use for work”. This was met with exasperation and vitriol from all sides.
Obviously there was enough backlash that they are changing the design
from opt-out to opt-in.
I fear that this will bias the sample set and ultimately make this
design worthless. When you make this data opt-in, it means the kind of
people who would opt-in to telemetry collection will end up opting in.
This will not collect information about most Go users, it will only
collect information about Go users that know how to run go env -w GOTELEMETRY=on
. Given past experiences with people reporting GOPATH
to be a difficult thing to figure out, I don’t have faith that the
opt-in rate will be high enough to make up for the loss of data
I don’t know what to do about this. It’s a shit situation all around and I fear that understandable concerns about privacy are going to make it harder for a tool that I rely on and helps me survive capitalism to truly improve.
I just hope I don’t sound like a Google shill here. This design that someone working at Google proposed is the best way to do this kind of action. I guess a lot of the backlash is against the fact that the concept exists at all. I get it, but at some level leaving people alone doesn’t scale. You can’t know what someone is doing unless you see what they are doing.